Monday, June 28, 2010

The Final (real) Training Run

This past Saturday, Dad and Mom came out to Grand Haven, and while Mom spent time with the grandkids, Dad and I headed out to the trails for our final training run. The Dances with Dirt: Devil's Lake 50K is only two weeks away, which is amazingly close. Running on trails is different than running on roads because it is difficult to hold a steady pace and therefore difficult to estimate how far you've really gone. So we aimed to be on our feet for 4 hrs.

The first 10 miles went by pretty easily. We walked up all the hills and had plenty to talk about. After that the heat and humidity started to get to me. But more than that, I wasn't eating enough. I was acceptably, thought I might have been able to drink more. The last half of the run, I was starting to feel it. I'm trying not to let this get me down, instead, I'm trying to learn from my mistake and be prepared during the race with plenty of options to eat and drink. The day finished at 3 hr. 45 min. and approx. 22 miles.

I know that I have trained hard, and that I'm ready. The next two weeks will have their share of doubts and times when I ask myself "What am I doing? And why am I doing it?" But it will not have any more long runs. I excited to toe the line and see what I can do.

A note on goals: I know that most people reading this don't really have a frame of reference for what a "good" time would be for running a 50K race. And truth be told, I don't either. I only know what my goals are for this particular race. They are three tiered.

First, to finish. If I do this, I will consider the race a success.
Second, to finish under 7 hours. I think this is a realistic and attainable goal.
Third, to finish under 6 hours. This would mean that I had a really good race.

But more importantly, I hope that I have fun. These long trail races can be more about getting out in nature than they are about a finishing time. Regardless of my finishing time, I'm sure that it will be a good weekend, a memorable time with family and perhaps make some new friends.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Less The One Month to Go

The next two weeks represent a critical time in my training. In two weeks I'm going to do another long run with my Dad, which will (hopefully) be the longest run I do, and (definitely) be the last long run before beginning the two week taper to race day on July 10th. Last night I sat down and laid down my plan for the next four weeks. Here is what the end of my serious training looks like:

M June 14 10 miles (pm)
T June 15 10 miles (am)
10 miles (pm)
W June 16 10 miles (am)
Th June 17 X
F June 18 2 hr. easy run
S June 19 X

S June 20 10 miles (pm)
M June 21 10 miles (pm)
T June 22 10 miles (am)
W June 23 X
Th June 24 10 miles (am)
F June 25 X
S June 26 3.5-4.0 hour (20-25 miles)

It is going to be intense, especially if I'm able to stick with every run that I've laid out here. The next three days could be the some of the hardest of the entire training. 40 miles within 36 hours. Am I looking forward to this? I'm looking forward to seeing if I can do it. Caryn's cousin Chris might be joining me on my Tuesday evening run, which would make things a little easier, but even company will not make this exactly easy. If I can get through the next three days, I'm going to feel much more confident going into race day.

I've been thinking about running a lot lately. (More than normal.) I am developing the theory that there are three levels of running. The first level is where running is work. This is what non-runners think of when they think of running. This is a required right-of-passage for all runners. When you are at this level, when you run, all you think about is not stopping. You are aware of your body, of the effort that each step is requiring of you. You think about how much you're sweating and how much people are judging you as you run by them. A the end of this kind of run, your brain has gotten as much of a work-out as your body. You feel exhausted both mentally and physically.

The next level comes after you have been running for awhile, likely about a year. It is running as stress release. After you have established a base level of fitness and you are able to be out on the roads for about 45 minutes, you may find that your mind is less occupied with thoughts of your run. Your mind will be free to think about whatever you want. This is the stage when solutions to problems present themselves to you. You may have been mentally stuck all day with a problem at work, but on one of these type of runs, the answer can appear, fully formed and so obvious that you feel stupid for not seeing it.

The finally level of running comes only after passing through the other two. (And, in fact, all the levels exist in every run.) And this is running as peaceful and easy. Call it effortless, call it zen, call it the runner's high. What you call it isn't important. On a run like this, you aren't thinking about the effort that it takes to move. You aren't trying to solve your work problems. You don't think about your kids, your weekend projects, you don't think about your pace or how much further you have to run. You don't think about anything. You run in the moment. There is only each next step and that is enough to fill you with a sense of peace and contentment.

I'm sure there are parallels to these stages in learning to play the piano, paint, read, write, sing, fly a plane, cook, make love, juggle, drive a car, or anything else that makes life challenging but rich. And it isn't as if I am claiming that every time I go out running I enter a trace where I can run forever. I don't. Honestly, most of the time when I run it's in the second type. On a bad day it will be a lot of work. But on a good day, I'll end my run feeling stronger and refreshed, both mentally and physically.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Dad and Me make 18.5 (miles)

Yesterday (Sunday), my Dad and Mom came out to Grand Haven, my mom to spend some time with the grandkids, and my Dad to join me for a long run on the trails, and then to spend some time with the kids.

We headed out for the first of our two 10(ish) mile loops. The day had started out cloudy and threatening, but by the late afternoon, the sun had reversed our fortunes. When we hit the trailhead it was sunny but still cool, the ideal running conditions. It was good for us to practice running together because we plan on running most of the race together. We talked about race strategy, shoes, terrain, as well as what we would do if "one of us" needed to drop out and if I would keep going after that happened.

I don't usually run with anyone and I like it this way. I use running as a way to get away from it all. To unplug, to disconnect, to go wireless, to opt-out, to center my thoughts, to flee the noise, to run down the demons, to silence the voices, to find myself, to seek after the divine.

But when I do run with someone, it is usually my Dad. These days, because we live in different cities our runs are not casual. We get together because we are training for some race. And there is nothing wrong with this. I'm glad that we're able to do this. The fact is, that my Dad is a big reason that I run. He is not the only reason, but he helped lay the foundation. He has been a runner longer than I can remember. Long before I existed, he ran. I don't know if I started running as a psychology attempt to bond with him, or if he passed on a genetic disposition, and I don't really care. It doesn't matter. What matters is that he gave me a gift: a love of running.

At some point I made running my own. I took what he gave me and changed it, made it my own, incorporated into who I am. And as a result, my Dad and I run, and see running differently. He runs with people. I run alone. He loves the details. I love the mood. He can't stop thinking about his finishing time. I'm happy to finish.

And even though I'm (finally) starting to beat him, and will in all likelihood beat him in this 50K (sorry Dad, couldn't help myself), the real goal of my running life will be to run (and live) in such a way that shows people that my life includes some things that are extravagant to the point of senselessness. Not in terms of money, but because they challenge me to live simultaneously with abandon and focus. Then to be able to encourage my children to do what they love in the way that my Dad has encouraged me to do what I love.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Photos of the Trail

I finally got my fanny pack so I was able to take some photos of the North Ottawa Dunes. So, Dad, here's a taste of what you'll be getting on Sunday.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Big 2-0

I have had a busy running weekend. On Friday, after a surprising (and welcome) early start to my holiday weekend, I sneaked in an unplanned 10 mile run. It was a great day to be out on the trails. What makes a run like that so great is that with every step I can think, "Normally I would still be at work right now." It was kind of like playing hooky, but for grown ups.

Saturday morning brought with it the Snug Harbor Kick-off to Summer 5K. It is a small race but a lot of fun. On a hilly course I ran a 20:59, which was good enough for 4th in my age-group and 31st over-all. Not bad considering that I haven't been training at all for speed, but focusing on my endurance. Rest on Sunday and 20 miles on Memorial Day.

20 miles is a big deal. I took it easy, included walk breaks, and brought along water and a couple of granola bars. I could have used more water because it was all gone before I was all done. The whole thing took me 3hr 12min. I ran most of it on paved surfaces and my knees and legs are feeling it today. Nothing I won't recover from in a day or two, but I have been spoiled by the soft cushioning of pine-needles over sand. I'm moving slowly today, but not so much that people notice.

Also, I finally ordered my fanny-pack. I'm excited to try it out. Right now my Camelbak does not carry much and it is accessible only if I stop running and take it off. The "runner's waist pack" (sounds much cooler) will allow me to carry a few more things and get to them without stopping for long. Plus, I'll be able to carry the camera to get a few photos! I bought it through and to qualify for free super-saver shipping I also bought some Bodyglide. I have never used Bodyglide but am excited to try it out.

Dad and I are planning on doing a long run together on Sunday. Finally, someone to run my beautiful trails with!